Daughters of the Choir
Prerequisite: Your character's Clan must be initially chosen as Malkavian, Toreador, or Ventrue. This becomes referred to as your "Parent Clan." It is important to understand that your character may or may not present themselves as a member of this Clan, and may or may not present themselves as a Daughter of the Choir.
This group of Kindred, considered by some to be a Bloodline, is a closely guarded secret, especially as the elders continue to vanish from the halls of power. What is left is a loosely associated congregation of individual vampires that have managed to covertly blend in with the social structures of both the Ivory Tower and the Anarch Movement. The Daughters stay hidden from public view, claiming to be members of other clans that make judicious use of the same vocal abilities, but they are the true masters of the voice. Whether it be through their traditional expression (Song), through an appreciation for swaying crowds (Speech), or through some other means of speech, the Daughters understand the true power that lies within the Voice. They speak and change the world.
Disciplines: Replace your Parent Clan's Disciplines with the following: Dominate, Auspex, Presence
- See Melpominee Amalgam of Presence
Bane: Replace your Parent Clan's Bane with the following Bane instead.
- Constant Song: All Sirens are subject to the curse of their clan founders, but they rarely view it as such a bad thing. The Siren's Song is a tune that stays with them always, a soundtrack that is forever playing. Most of the time, this music is able to be ignored and "turned down," such that the Daughter can barely hear it (though it never goes away completely). But when she loses focus (Rolls a Bestial Failure or a Compulsion), the tune gets "turned up to 11," and distracts her greatly from any action that goes against the music. For some, this will mean that violent actions take - 2 dice penalty. But if the song is a battle epic, it may mean that mental or social rolls that would interfere with combat are penalized by 2 instead. This penalty lasts for a scene. The PC should work with the Storyteller to determine the overall theme of the Constant Song.
- In addition, the Siren will usually be rolling at a - 1 die penalty to rolls using Awareness.
Bloodline Loresheet: The Daughters of the Choir
Prerequisite: Malkavian, Toreador, or Ventrue only
The Daughters of the Choir entered the kindred scene in the 1700s, as far as most can tell. Their origins are shrouded in mystery, and most kindred that know of their existence assume they are an offshoot of Toreador, Malkavian, or Ventrue blood. Some think they come from all three of these. In modern nights, the Daughters have found it necessary to be more clear in declaring their allegiance to a sect. As such, the elders of the Bloodline have begun the long process of arranging a meeting to determine what is best for them all.
1. Voices Unseen: As a Daughter, the voice is everything. The first thing that any Daughter learns is to communicate with her companions. Once per story, a Daughter may Rouse the Blood to speak words that are heard by a number of willing individuals up to her Blood Potency, regardless of how far away they might be.
2. Hiding in Plain Sight: The Daughters of the Choir are known to exist, but are rarely seen. In actuality, they are seen all the time, but not often recognized. Once per story, when a Daughter may be recognized as such by an NPC, she may gain +3 dice on a roll to convince the character that she is actually just a member of a different clan.
3. The Performance of a Lifetime: Daughters make the best singers and orators in kindred society, and their performances can sway whole crowds. Once per chronicle, a Daughter may, while giving a performance, add 2 successes to an already successful roll. However, doing so has a great chance of outing the Daughter as being part of the bloodline.
4. Virtuoso: Look at your character's Parent Clan to determine which ability is assigned. Your character has learned the true origin of the Daughters (or at least, what you believe to be the true origin). It is your duty to tell the bloodline of their true origins, and other Daughters may know of and come to you for guidance.
- Malkavian: The Song of Madness is strong within the PC; she gains +1 dice on all Auspex rolls, but when she fails any Auspex roll, she immediately suffers from her Bane.
- Toreador: The Song of Passion is strong within the PC; she gains +1 dice on all Presence rolls, but when she fails any Presence roll, she must test to resist a Frenzy (Difficulty 3).
- Ventrue: The Song of Power is strong within the PC; she gains +1 dice on all Dominate rolls, but when she fails any Dominate roll, she suffers a -1 die penalty on all rolls until she succeeds in a future Dominate attempt. This penalty should last for at least a few minutes to a scene, if not longer.
5. The Choir Director: Your character is chosen by the elders of the Daughters of the Choir to take an active role in guiding the future of the bloodline. She speaks with their authority, and is recognized as such by kindred in positions of power that she may be in discussions with regarding the Bloodline. Given such authority means she also has access to the secrets of the Daughters. Once per story, the Siren may reroll a failed attempt at any Auspex, Dominate, or Presence ability.
Discipline Expansion
Dominate 3: Melpominee
Amalgam: Presence 4 (Irresistible Voice)
With this power, the full range of Dominate and Presence abilities becomes open to the Daughter of the Choir. This power grants the user the ability to immediately gain one other Dominate or Presence power that they don't already know (ignoring Amalgam requirements but obeying current Discipline limits). But the deeper strength herein is that the user of Melpominee may permanently spend experience on purchasing any and all levels of Dominate and Presence, up to their normal Generational Maximum. This means that a Daughter of the Choir may, with time and Experience, learn all 18+ powers of these Disciplines.
This Discipline is a closely guarded secret of the Sirens, who fear what the clans would do to them if they knew the Daughters were in possession of all the secrets the voice can unlock.